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Airmails & Back of Book

Displaying products 1 - 30 of 708 results
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1934 16c Seal Of The U.S. Airmail Special D - Fairway Thermographed.
Price: $12.00
 1934 16c Seal Of The U.S. Airmail Special D - Fairway Thermographed.
Scott # CE1. Vertical bends at center. Detroit Roosevelt Sta receipt 8.31.34 5am.
1936 16c. Bi-Color. Seal Of The U.S. Airmail Special Delivery - Rice
Price: $5.95
 1936 16c. Bi-Color. Seal Of The U.S. Airmail Special Delivery - Rice
Scott # CE2. U/O Newark AMF on back.
1946 5c Large Skymaster Block of 4 - T/A Aristocrat Airport G/P
Price: $2.50
 1946 5c Large Skymaster Block of 4 - T/A Aristocrat Airport G/P
Scott C32. Machine cancelled. Neatly Typed addressed (this is stock photo for multiple typed addressed availability with same cachet design).
1947 5c Small Skymaster Sheet Stamp Pair - Bordered Ioor
Price: $1.15
 1947 5c Small Skymaster Sheet Stamp Pair - Bordered Ioor
Scott # C32. Light flap bleed.
1949 6c Small Skymaster - Aristocrat
Price: $0.80
 1949 6c Small Skymaster - Aristocrat
Scott # C39. Unaddressed (this is stock photo for multiple typed addressed availability with same cachet design and similar addressing). Flap bleed. Winkles.
1949 6c Small Skymaster - Aristocrat Block of 4
Price: $1.25
 1949 6c Small Skymaster - Aristocrat Block of 4
Scott # C39. Unaddressed (this is stock photo for multiple typed addressed availability with same cachet design and similar addressing). Flap bleed. Winkles.
1949 6c Small Skymaster - T/A Aristocrat
Price: $1.25
 1949 6c Small Skymaster - T/A Aristocrat
Scott # C39. Neatly typed addressed (this is stock photo for multiple typed addressed availability with same cachet design and similar addressing). Flap bleed.
1960 Pony Express 100th Embossed Envelope - Brown Anderson
Price: $1.50
 1960 Pony Express 100th Embossed Envelope - Brown Anderson
Scott U543. Unsealed flap.
1979 Flight Pioneer Octave Chanute Pair - DRC Chase Hand Colored
Price: $3.95
 1979 Flight Pioneer Octave Chanute Pair - DRC Chase Hand Colored
Scott #'s C93. Hand colored over printed design. Flap bleed. Open flap.
1926 CAM 15 Washington-Norfolk - Gorham Serviced AAMS # 15S2
Price: $15.95
1926 CAM 15 Washington-Norfolk - Gorham Serviced AAMS # 15S2
#5 envelope open at right. Mounting shadows to back.
1927 10c Lindbergh Celebration - Worden St. Louis
Price: $17.95
1927 10c Lindbergh Celebration - Worden St. Louis
Back stamped Pittsburgh 6.19.27 5PM. OPEN AT LEFT.
1927 10c Lindbergh Flight - Bordered St. Louis..w/Un-tied labels
Price: $18.50
1927 10c Lindbergh Flight - Bordered St. Louis..w/Un-tied labels
Scott #C10. #5 envelope. Sealed flap. Opened at right. Creases.
1927 10c Lindbergh Flight Block Of 4 - Worden WDC
Price: $15.00
1927 10c Lindbergh Flight Block Of 4 - Worden WDC
Scott # C10. Back stamped Chicago AMF.
1927 20c Continental Map & Bi-Planes - .Ward
Price: $45.00
1927 20c Continental Map & Bi-Planes - .Ward
Scott # C9. Super clean #5 envelope.
1927 20c Continental Map & Bi-Planes Airmail - Mauck Bordered
Price: $40.00
1927 20c Continental Map & Bi-Planes Airmail - Mauck Bordered
OPEN AT RIGHT. Back stamped Chicago 26th & 27th. Scott #C9.
1927 Lindbergh Flight Spirit Of St. Louis - "Gets There" WDC
Price: $18.50
1927 Lindbergh Flight Spirit Of St. Louis - "Gets There" WDC
Scott # C10. #5 envelope. Creases.
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