Scott # CE1. Vertical bends at center. Detroit Roosevelt Sta receipt 8.31.34 5am.
Scott # CE2. U/O Newark AMF on back.
Scott C32. Machine cancelled. Neatly Typed addressed (this is stock photo for multiple typed addressed availability with same cachet design).
Scott # C32. Light flap bleed.
Scott # C39. Unaddressed (this is stock photo for multiple typed addressed availability with same cachet design and similar addressing). Flap bleed. Winkles.
Scott # C39. Unaddressed (this is stock photo for multiple typed addressed availability with same cachet design and similar addressing). Flap bleed. Winkles.
Scott # C39. Neatly typed addressed (this is stock photo for multiple typed addressed availability with same cachet design and similar addressing). Flap bleed.
Scott U543. Unsealed flap.
Scott #'s C93. Hand colored over printed design. Flap bleed. Open flap.
#5 envelope open at right. Mounting shadows to back.
Back stamped Pittsburgh 6.19.27 5PM. OPEN AT LEFT.
Scott #C10. #5 envelope. Sealed flap. Opened at right. Creases.
Scott # C10. Back stamped Chicago AMF.
Scott # C9. Super clean #5 envelope.
OPEN AT RIGHT. Back stamped Chicago 26th & 27th. Scott #C9.
Scott # C10. #5 envelope. Creases.